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Tugas 2 PBO A

Hi. On today's post, I'm going to show you my next project about Java Class implementation related to 2D solid shapes. In this project, I'm going to use 6 solid shapes, which is a circle, a square, a triangle, a diamond, a parallelogram, and a rectangle. Check it out! 

Class Structure

1. Main

  * Fungsi main di sini.  
  * @author (Elkana Hans Widersen)  
  * @version (10/09/2018)  
 public class myMain  
   public static void main(String args[])  
     Circle myCircle;  
     myCircle = new Circle();  
     double crcArea = myCircle.Area();  
     double crcCircum = myCircle.Circum();  
     System.out.print("Luas = " + crcArea + ", ");  
     System.out.println("Keliling = " + crcCircum + "\n");  
     Square mySquare;  
     mySquare = new Square();  
     double sqrArea = mySquare.Area();  
     double sqrCircum = mySquare.Circum();  
     System.out.print("Luas = " + sqrArea + ", ");  
     System.out.println("Keliling = " + sqrCircum + "\n");  
     System.out.println("Segitiga (siku-siku):");  
     Triangle myTriangle;  
     myTriangle = new Triangle();  
     double triArea = myTriangle.Area();  
     double triCircum = myTriangle.Circum();  
     System.out.print("Luas = " + triArea + ", ");  
     System.out.println("Keliling = " + triCircum + "\n");  
     System.out.println("Belah Ketupat:");  
     Diamond myDiamond;  
     myDiamond = new Diamond();  
     double diaArea = myDiamond.Area();  
     double diaCircum = myDiamond.Circum();  
     System.out.print("Luas = " + diaArea + ", ");  
     System.out.println("Keliling = " + diaCircum + "\n");  
     System.out.println("Jajar Genjang:");  
     Parallel myParallel;  
     myParallel = new Parallel();  
     double parArea = myParallel.Area();  
     double parCircum = myParallel.Circum();  
     System.out.print("Luas = " + parArea + ", ");  
     System.out.println("Keliling = " + parCircum + "\n");  
     System.out.println("Persegi Panjang:");  
     Rectangle myRectangle;  
     myRectangle = new Rectangle();  
     double rectArea = myRectangle.Area();  
     double rectCircum = myRectangle.Circum();  
     System.out.print("Luas = " + rectArea + ", ");  
     System.out.println("Keliling = " + rectCircum + "\n");  

2. Circle

  * Class untuk mencari luas dan keliling lingkaran.  
  * @author (Elkana Hans Widersen)  
  * @version (10/09/2018)  
 import java.util.Scanner;  
 public class Circle extends myMain  
   public double myRad;  
   public Circle()  
     System.out.print("Masukkan jari-jari: ");  
     Scanner rad = new Scanner (;  
     myRad = rad.nextFloat();  
   public double Area()  
     return 3.14 * myRad * myRad;  
   public double Circum()  
     return 2 * 3.14 * myRad;  

3. Square

  * Class untuk mencari luas dan keliling persegi.  
  * @author (Elkana Hans Widersen)  
  * @version (10/09/2018)  
 import java.util.Scanner;  
 public class Square extends myMain  
   public double mySide;  
   public Square()  
     System.out.print("Masukkan sisi: ");  
     Scanner side = new Scanner (;  
     mySide = side.nextFloat();  
   public double Area()  
     return mySide * mySide;  
   public double Circum()  
     return 4 * mySide;  

4. Triangle

  * Class untuk mencari luas dan keliling segitiga.  
  * @author (Elkana Hans Widersen)  
  * @version (10/09/2018)  
 import java.util.Scanner;  
 public class Triangle extends myMain  
   public double myBase, myHeight;  
   public Triangle()  
     System.out.print("Masukkan alas: ");  
     Scanner base = new Scanner (;  
     myBase = base.nextFloat();  
     System.out.print("Masukkan tinggi: ");  
     Scanner height = new Scanner (;  
     myHeight = height.nextFloat();  
   public double Area()  
     return myBase * myHeight / 2;  
   public double Circum()  
     return myBase + myHeight + Math.sqrt((myBase * myBase) + (myHeight * myHeight));  

5. Diamond

  * Class untuk mencari luas dan keliling belah ketupat.  
  * @author (Elkana Hans Widersen)  
  * @version (10/09/2018)  
 import java.util.Scanner;  
 public class Diamond extends myMain  
   public double myDiag1, myDiag2;  
   public Diamond()  
     System.out.print("Masukkan diagonal 1: ");  
     Scanner diag1 = new Scanner (;  
     myDiag1 = diag1.nextFloat();  
     System.out.print("Masukkan diagonal 2: ");  
     Scanner diag2 = new Scanner (;  
     myDiag2 = diag2.nextFloat();  
   public double Area()  
     return myDiag1 * myDiag2 / 2;  
   public double Circum()  
     return 2 * Math.sqrt((myDiag1 * myDiag1) + (myDiag2 * myDiag2));  

6. Parallelogram

  * Class untuk mencari luas dan keliling jajar genjang.  
  * @author (Elkana Hans Widersen)  
  * @version (10/09/2018)  
 import java.util.Scanner;  
 public class Parallel extends myMain  
   public double myBase, myHeight, mySide;  
   public Parallel()  
     System.out.print("Masukkan alas: ");  
     Scanner base = new Scanner (;  
     myBase = base.nextFloat();  
     System.out.print("Masukkan tinggi: ");  
     Scanner height = new Scanner (;  
     myHeight = height.nextFloat();  
     System.out.print("Masukkan sisi miring: ");  
     Scanner side = new Scanner (;  
     mySide = side.nextFloat();  
   public double Area()  
     return myBase * myHeight;  
   public double Circum()  
     return 2 * (myBase + mySide);  

7. Rectangle

  * Class untuk mencari luas dan keliling persegi panjang.  
  * @author (Elkana Hans Widersen)  
  * @version (10/09/2018)  
 import java.util.Scanner;  
 public class Rectangle extends myMain  
   public double myLength, myWidth;  
   public Rectangle()  
     System.out.print("Masukkan panjang: ");  
     Scanner length = new Scanner (;  
     myLength = length.nextFloat();  
     System.out.print("Masukkan lebar: ");  
     Scanner width = new Scanner (;  
     myWidth = width.nextFloat();  
   public double Area()  
     return myLength * myWidth;  
   public double Circum()  
     return 2 * (myLength + myWidth);  

When it's done compiled, it will look like this:
Compile Result


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